Sploder Wiki

This is the general category which collects all Sploder members from all Sploder platforms: Sploder Main Site and Sploder Community Forums.

Template:Infobox player Code:[]

{{Infobox player
|name = 
|image = 
|gender = 
|age = 
|joined = 
|lastvisit = 
|totalplays = 
|favorites = 
|awards = 
|contestswon = 
|description = 

Special Features[]

totalplays, favorites, awards, contestswon, description.

Template:Infobox member Code:[]

{{Infobox member
|name = 
|gender = 
|age = 
|birthdate = 
|country = 
|joined = 
|motd = 
<!-- additions -->
|image = 
|lastvisit = 
|alt = 
|motw = 
|special = 
|suspended = (overrides special)

Special Features[]

birthdate, country(with flag), alt(link to alt's article), motw, special, suspended, direct link to profile, adding fitting categories.

See also[]

All items (755)
