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Member Of The Day is a feature on Sploder where members can vote for a member to become the member of the day. Each day a member can nominate 3 members for MoTD and towards the end of the day, members vote for the top 15 most nominated and the one with the most votes win[1].

Click Here to see today's contest and result.

Click Here to see a list of all the contest winners.


  • The feature was launched on August, 15th 2014. The first winner(Maiphantomhive) was announced as "Member of The Day of 15/8/2014" on August, 17th 2014[2].
  • Member of the Day is usually abbreviated as MOTD. Member of the Week does the same, and it is abbreviated as MOTW.
  • After someone won MOTD this is found in the MOTD's profile:
  • The MOTD stand colored silver as seen here:
  • Avatar pedestal
    Geoff has received Member Of The Day three times. Twice due to a minor bug in the system. The first time on August 17th of 2014 and another on September 5th of 2014[3]. However on January 24th 2015 a user with an inappropriate name won meaning Geoff had to elect himself as winner.
  • Thebluesun won MotD twice after member Fockoff has been suspended before winning due to its inappropriate username. Instead of Geoff winning this for the fourth time, he chose Thebluesun. Many believe this as he promotes Sploder on YouTube what Geoff loves.
  • Now there are suspended users that have won member of the day in the past like Plasticool , Mena5000 , Nightshield10 , Ilikeguy44, etc. People were mad at finding out that inappropriate users winning MoTD. That keep the sun and the date of MoTD hidden and can only be seen on Wikias now.
  • Certificates for MOTD are shown on your dashboard, the members page, (not the list), and in the Member of the Day section.
  • Heroicdude was the last member to win MOTD. He won MOTD five days before Sploder's death, thus rendering him the member to have the longest time as MOTD on the Members page.
Screen Shot 2014-12-18 at 18.37

'Member Of The Day' Certificate

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  • When Geoff got his third MOTD, his friends and plays were 1337 on pages where the MOTD is shown, but on the actual MOTD page, it's normal.
  • January 15th saw the winner change due to the winner being suspended. Geoff chose thebluesun to be twice winner.
  • In some of the days there were no nominated/no most voted members, which couses the last winner to stay MOTD.
    • When this bug happens, the date of the last winner's MOTD stays the same as the first day he/she got MOTD.
      • This couses the date of the next MOTDs not to be equal to the original date.
  • Due to lack of members voting, sometimes there is only 1 member on the contest, which makes him/her the next MOTD for sure.


External Links[]
