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Physics Puzzle Game Creator
Physics Puzzle Maker logo

Date of Launch

April 29th 2011

The Physics Puzzle Maker is a 2D sandbox-themed game creator on Sploder. It is the fourth one so far. You could not use custom graphics for some time after its introduction, but the creation of the Graphics Editor now allows you to create still or moving graphics. This was later added as a feature in the Platformer Creator as well.

Prefabs and the Drawing Tool

Prefabs are prebuilt objects created by Geoff. Prefabs. The Prefabs contain: Player, Spikes, Baddie, Platform, LifeBlock, Ship, Key-door, Balloon. These are just some of the Prefabs.

Colliding, PassThru and Sensor

Each of the Collision, PassThru and Sensor layers have 5 different blocks to tick.

All prefab blocks have a Collision Level, which means that they can collide with each other. The five blocks for this category inclube the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4.

PassThru Levels means that they go through each other, so they don't collide. The five blocks in this category are A, B, C, D and E.

Sensor Layers are what make objects activate other objects. These five blocks are symbols, the Club, Diamond, Heart and Spade (obviously resembling playing cards) and the final one a flower.


Prefabs, Physics, Controls and Widgets

Physics are shown in green arrows, apart from Bouncer and Motor. PinJoint, Groove, Spring-T (tight spring), and Spring-L (loose spring) are just some of the physics.


Prefabs: Description:
Ph Player
Drag this onto the canvas to create a new ready-made player that can jump and move from side to side
Ph Baddie
Drag this onto the canvas to create a new ready-made baddie that moves side to side randomly
Ph Platform
Drag this onto the canvas to create a new ready-made platform that you can walk on
Ph Coin
Drag this onto the canvas to create a new ready-made coin that add to the score when the player touches it
Ph Spikes
Drag this onto the canvas to create a new ready-made spikes block that will cause the player to lose a life
Ph ExtraLife
Drag this onto the canvas to create a new ready-made extra-life block the will give the player an extra life when it is touched
Ph KeyDoor
Drag this onto the canvas to create a new ready-made key and door combo you can use to unlock an area in the game
Ph Ship
Drag this onto the canvas to create a new ready-made ship you can use in top-down games without gravity
Ph Turret
Drag this onto the canvas to create a new ready-made turret that shoots at your player if you get near it
Ph Robot
Drag this onto the canvas to create a new ready-made robot that you can make walk back and forth and shoot
Ph Balloon
Drag this onto the canvas to create a new ready-made balloon with an electro-magnet that can pick up metal
Ph TurretCar
Drag this onto the canvas to create a new ready-made Turret car that can roll back and forth and shoot


Physics: Description:
Ph Motor
Drag this onto an object to make it turn at a set speed
Ph Bouncer
Drag this onto an object to make it push objects that collide with it
Ph PinJoint
Drag this onto an object to connect it to a fixed-length joint. You can drag both ends, and if you drag them together you make a special bolt joint that sticks objects together without colliding.
Ph Groove
Drag this onto an object to connect it to a groove that it can slide along
Ph Spring-T
Drag this onto an object to connect it to a tight spring
Ph Spring-L
Drag this onto an object to connect it to a loose spring
Ph GearJoint
Drag this onto an object to mirror the rotation of the parent object, as if it were connected by a gear


Controls: Description:
Ph Rotator
Rotates an object using the keyboard (left and right arrow keys or A and D keys)
Ph Mover
Pushes an object with the keyboard (up and down arrow keys or W and S keys)
Ph Slider
Pushes an object with the keyboard (left and right arrow keys or A and D keys)
Ph Jumper
Makes an object appear to jump by pushing it up quickly (up arrow key or W key)
Ph Arcade Mover
Allows for tighter arcade movement without acceleration using WASD or arrow keys. Platfomer mode in playfield with gravity
Ph Selector
Allow ONLY ONE object to be controlled at a time by selecting (mouse click)
Ph Adder
Adds a copy of the object to the game (spacebar)
Ph Launcher
Bounces touching objects towards the mouse
Ph Aimer
Allow an object to be aimed toward the location of the mouse
Ph Dragger
Allow an object to be Dragged with the mouse
Ph Thruster
Pushes an object with the keyboard in one direction from any location you choose and any key you choose
Ph Clicker
Triggers the On Sensor event by clicking on the object with the mouse


Widgets: Description:
Ph Elevator
Moves an object back and forth along a groove joint
Ph Spawner
Adds a copy of the object to the game at a specified interval
Ph Connect
Select 2 objects and drag onto the main object to connect a smaller object. Connected objects do not collide with anything. Good for connecting spawners to moving objects
Ph Factory
Drag this onto a set of grouped items to create a spawner for the whole group (including joints, etc)
Ph EventLink
Drag this onto an object to make its events also happen to another object. After adding, drag the flag onto a target object, than apply an unlock, remove or explode action to the target.
Ph Switcher
Drag this onto an object with an elevator or motor to switch the direction randomly
Ph E-Magnet
Drag this onto an object to turn it into a magnet, which you can switch on and off with the keyboard (spacebar)
Ph Pointer
Drag this onto an object to make it always point at whichever object is being controlled with the keyboard or mouse
Ph Propeller
Drag this onto an object to have it propel in one direction from any location you choose


 The Best Creator

